Tuesday 21 October 2008

Final analysis.

I will now analyse the magazine cover of People to see if the conventions are similar to those of the other two covers. People is not a college magazine. It features news and stories only on celebrities.

Firstly, like the other two magazines, the masthead is positioned at the top of the page in a large bold font, outlined in blue to make it stand out. The headline "I'm gay" is also written in large text, in capitals and coloured yellow. This causes it to appear to be very eye catching, as the yellow is the brightest thing on the page, and attracts the audiences attention. There is a short summary of the story underneath this headline, which intrigues the reader.

There are many plugs on the cover, in the sidebar on the right and another on the left. The text for these are bold and in capitals to be easily read and noticed by the audience. They feature small pictures and pull quotes from the stories inside. The word 'exclusive' instantly attracts attention as it is used as a buzz word, grasping the reader and making them want to find out exactly what this exclusive news is.

The main feature of this splash is the image, like on both of the other magazine covers. The man featured is smiling and looking directly at the audience, inviting them into his story and his world.

In conclusion, I have found that this cover shares the common conventions of the two college magazines, especially the cover of Secondary Teachers as both use plugs to attract an audience.

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