Monday 20 October 2008


By looking at Bounce and the Secondary Teachers magazines, I can now identify the conventions of magazine covers. Firstly, they must have a large masthead that stands out in bright block lettering. The masthead is one of the most important features of the cover, as the audience have to be able to recognise the title. The image is also very important, as it is the central feature of both of the magazines I've looked at. It engages the readers interest and immediately attracts attention. Another convention are the plugs, however these were very different when comparing these covers. The plugs on Secondary Teachers are bright, eye catching and easy to read, where as on Bounce, the text is small and plain white. It is due to the plugs that Secondary Teachers looks so interesting and colourful, so I will use plugs like this in my design. These plugs also intrigue the audience to buy and read the magazine by using questions, another thing that Bounce doesn't do. However, Bounce does have an appealing cover, although I think it is relying on the image to ensure magazine sales. This works though, as the target audience of college students would be more interested in the image, looking at the people featured in the picture and the style of clothes they're wearing. So this cover didn't particularly need large, bright plugs to attract an audience.

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