Tuesday 7 October 2008

Analysing a magazine cover.

I am now going to analyse this Secondary Teachers magazine cover. By looking at the conventions of already existing magazines, I should be able to get some ideas for my college magazine.

The purpose of this magazine is to inform and give new teaching ideas to secondary school teachers.

This cover has quite a simple layout. The text and images stand out easily on the plain white background. The colour of the block lettering of the headline is light blue which is a neutral colour to appeal to both male and female teachers. The font is easy to read and this font is continuously used across the whole of the cover, for every piece of text. The headline is the largest piece of text on the page, which is a common convention of magazines and newspapers, as the headline is an important part of the cover.

The main focus of this cover is the image, positioned in the center of the cover showing a teenage boy participating in a lesson. He looks straight at the reader, engaging their attention. The boy is smiling, which shows that he is having fun learning.

Plugs are positioned along the top of the magazine cover and in the bottom right corner, giving the reader snippets of information that would be found inside the magazine. Each plug is presented in a different colour, which makes the cover look more appealing.

Leaving unanswered questions, such as "Do boys and girls learn differently?", entices the audience to read the magazine to find the answer to a question that they may be interested in.

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