Thursday 16 October 2008

Analysing another cover.

I am now going to look at another magazine, but this time one that is aimed at college students rather than teachers. I have taken the cover of Bounce, a magazine focusing on college culture.

Like the Secondary Teachers magazine, the main focus of this cover is the image. We see two young people, both looking directly at the audience, engaging their attention, also like the previous cover. This makes us feel more involved with the people in the image. The girl and boy look as if they are walking, possibly to college. However, neither of them are smiling. They both look quite serious, but this could tie in with the word "Chillax!" telling students to relax more instead of worrying about college related things.

The text "Chillax!", which I assume is a made up word combined of "chill" and "relax", is written in a light blue font that almost matches that of the girls top. The font looks as though it has been spray painted across the image. The fact that it is blue matches the theme of "chilling" as this colour connotes relaxation. The font of the masthead is different from this text. It is written in green and each letter is capital. The font used is thick and bold which makes it stand out, like a masthead should. "Culture on the rise", the strapline of the magazine, is positioned just above the masthead in the top right corner, using the same font style. There are also some smaller words just below the masthead that share the same font. They look like they have been written in this way to make it look like the word "Bounce" is bouncing.

The bar code and plugs are positioned at the bottom of the cover. The text is white and the font is quite small, which is different to the Secondary Teachers magazine, as it's plugs are brightly coloured and spread out across the page. The plugs here don't really capture the attention of the audience very well, but are essential as they tell us what we will find inside of the magazine.

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