Friday 14 November 2008

Final design!

This is my final design which I will now analyse and discuss like with the previous covers. Firstly, I decided to use a bright yellow background as it obviously makes it very eye catching and would attract the audience's attention in a shop or around the college or wherever else it may be sold.

I used Word Art to create the masthead, which is written in a bold, slanted font and coloured red so that it stands out on the yellow background. I placed the strapline, 'Written by students for students', just beneath this which reflects the ideology behind the magazine and also the institution. This text is written in an orange font which harmonises with the yellow and matches the orange text of the price. The price is placed in the centre of a yellow star shape which attracts attention. The star has thick black edges so that it stands out against the yellow background and it overlaps onto the image.

The image is the main feature of the cover as it takes up most of the space. I enlarged it further on this design. Its purpose is to intrigue and involve the target audience to get them to buy the magazine, therefore it is the most important aspect of the cover.

The plugs are also used to intrigue the audience. Like on the Secondary Teachers magazine, I used a question, "Finding college hard?", to interest the reader. The font I used is called 'Palatino Linotype'. I chose this font because it is clear and easy to read. I had to alter the font colours of the two plugs to ensure they would be readable over the image. I also coloured the bar code white so that it would stand out.

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