Tuesday 31 March 2009

The finished product!

Front Cover

Contents Page

Double Page Spread

Overall, I think my work has been successful and I am happy with it. I learnt a lot whilst producing my magazine and I enjoyed the task. I am particularly pleased with my front cover and contents page because I think they look quite professional and smart. I think the image on the front cover works well for it's purpose of attracting the audience and I like the layout I used for the contents page. I also think the colour scheme and fonts used are effective. I am quite happy with my double page spread too, but I don't think it looks are good as the other two pages. However, I am pleased with the finished result.


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My music magazine uses all of the conventions that I initially found when observing existing magazines at the beginning of the task. The front cover has the masthead ‘Impact’ as the largest piece of text on the page. It uses a large image to attract audience attention, a medium shot in which the male model looks directly at the audience which is conventional of magazine covers. I also included the barcode, price, issue number and date as I found all of these on existing magazine covers. Another technique I used are buzz words ‘free’ and ‘exclusive’ as they are commonly used to attract audience attention. I also included a plug for a band featured in the magazine and company logo. As for the contents page, I used similar elements such as the buzz word ‘win’ in the competition plug, the two photos, which are both medium shots, positioned to the right of the text and the word ‘contents’ being the largest piece of text on the page. The title on my double page spread was also the largest text of the page. Other conventional elements included a main image on the left, which is a medium shot of the interviewee, and the interview is positioned on the right of the double page. I placed another image, a close up of the same person, above the interview as I thought it looked a bit bland with just the one picture. Also, I used a drop cap at the start of the interview which I had noticed in many existing magazines.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents the cultures and styles of the target audience of teenagers. The main image on the front cover is an example of this representation. The male model is dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt which reflects modern day style. He is represented as being cool and carefree. Through the double page spread, it also represents teenagers to be fun loving but also hard working and ambitious people. Although all the images I used feature males, the magazine would feature female bands and singers as well, for example, ‘Angels Of Divinity’, ‘Impulse’ and ‘Strut’ from the contents page. The magazine is aimed at teenagers of both genders and so must include a mixture of both sexes.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think a suitable institution to distribute my magazine would be EMAP, because they do not currently have a magazine like mine, which is aimed at the target audience of teenagers who are fans of the rock music genre. By investing in my product, they would broaden their range of magazines and thus increase profits. EMAP are a very successful British company which has many successful magazines, including the official Nintendo magazine and Smash Hits. The company was founded in 1947 which shows the company have experience and would be trustworthy and reliable.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My music magazine is aimed at the target audience of teenagers and focuses on the rock genre of music. I chose this because I wanted to target my own age group and produce a magazine of the genre of music that I like. After designing my magazine, I showed it to some people of this age group. One person said that they would have preferred a cover that was more colourful, however the others said that it was eye catching and would appeal to them if they saw the magazine in a shop. I decided against changing the colour scheme, as the majority of viewers liked it and so did I.

How did you attract/address your audience?

I hoped to attract the audience mainly by the use of the image on the front cover. The model looks directly at the audience, intriguing them to buy the magazine. I also used buzz words to interest them, for example the ‘free CD’. I think the colour scheme would also appeal to the audience because the red and black signifies the rock music genre and the plain background causes the cover to stand out instantly in a shop. The masthead should also attract attention due to the size of the text and the bright colour. Also, the plug for Struck By Lightning would intrigue fans of the band into buying the magazine.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Although I already knew how to use Microsoft Publisher, I feel that I have a better understanding of the program after completing the task as I was able to learn of more functions that can be performed. Likewise, I also learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop more effectively when manipulating images for the magazine. Initially, I learnt how to frame shots for my photographs. I also learnt how to use Blogger which I had never had experience with before. I found that it was quite a simple website to use and a good way to present information and work. I used the internet for research, including sites such as Wikipedia, Google and the official magazine websites. I also took examples of magazine covers from Google Images.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When I looked back at my college magazine front cover from the preliminary task after finishing my music magazine, I found that it looked incredibly poor compared to the front cover of Impact. This was mainly due to the image, the layout and also the colour scheme of the page. Through analysing more existing magazines, I learnt more about conventions of magazines and I developed my ideas for Impact. I also learnt how to use Microsoft Publisher much more effectively, which is why the outcome of Impact was extremely better than that of the college magazine. Due to this, I decided to re-design my college magazine after completing Impact and I think that it is now much improved and I think it looks much more attractive than the original design did.

Monday 30 March 2009

Improved college cover - preliminary task

After realising many faults with my original college magazine cover, I decided to totally re-design it. My original efforts left me with a cover that looked more like a poster and I wasn't happy with it at all. Also, the image did not really appeal to the audience and it didn't get across the right sort of a message. The new image, which I took myself, features the male model Jason Cross, looking directly at the camera to intrigue the audience. He looks friendly and kind which is the right sort of message to be given by the college. Using Adobe Photoshop, I altered the colours of the image to black and white, which connotes realism. Due to these colours, the orange text stands out extremely well. The masthead, 'Wyke News', is the largest piece of text on the page and the headline, 'Exam stress?', is the second largest piece of text. This is conventional of magazines. I also included the bar code in the bottom left corner and the price inside a yellow star shape in the top right. The bright colour of the shape causes the price to stand out and attract audience attention, especially since the only other colour used is orange.

Double page spread

My double page spread features new band Struck By Lightning. I kept the same colour scheme of red, black and white to keep continuity and also because the colours reflect the rock genre and Struck By Lightning are a rock band.

When I looked at existing double page spreads, I found that the main image was usually positioned on the left hand side with the beginning of the interview to the right. I used these conventions for my page.

The image features the drummer of Struck By Lightning, Alex Smith. His clothes match the colour scheme and in the main image, he looks directly at the reader to engage their attention. Originally, I was only going to use one image but I added the second in the top right corner because I felt that the double page looked a bit plain and empty with only one.

I added to lighting bolt using an autoshape and coloured it black with red edges again to match the colour scheme. It points to the interview, linking it with the title text, 'Have you been Struck By Lightning!?' The font I used for this was 'SF Zimmerman' which I thought was an effective font to use for the page. It looks like hand writing which connects with the school theme, as the band are all of school age. The font is coloured red and black to match the colour scheme.

I added shapes to the background to create the black and red lines which are present to border the page. I also put borders around both of the images to frame them.

In the interview itself, I used a drop cap at the beginning of the text, as I found that these are commonly used in magazine interviews. The interview is a two part conversation between the interviewer, Impact, and the band's drummer, Alex. The speakers name is in bold lettering at the beginning of their speech to make it easy to see who is talking. At the end of the interview, I tried to intrigue the audience to turn over and read the rest of the interview by having Impact ask Alex to reveal secrets about the other band members, as this would interest fans of the band.

Monday 23 March 2009

Finished front cover

I adjusted my front cover further, mainly by changing the image. I decided to use an image in which the model is looking directly at the camera, as it intrigues the audience into reading the magazine. This is a convention used by most of the music magazines I looked at, so I decided to go for this look rather than the 'moody teenager' look. Also, the text stands out over the model's white t-shirt which is more effective than on my first attempt of the cover. The costume worn by the male model still denotes a casual look which reflects the current style of the target audience.

I also added the red star shape in the top right corner of the page because it makes the 'free CD inside' look more exciting and eye catching.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Finished contents page

I had to alter and change my contents page many times before getting to this stage and being happy with my work.

The word 'contents' uses the same style font and colour as the masthead on the front cover which creates continuity. Use of the same colour scheme enhances this. I wrote a list of contents down the left hand side, with band names in bold so that they will be instantly noticeable to the reader.

I placed two small images onto a red rectangle shape to the right of the page with another red strip on the left to frame the text. I placed black borders around the images to make them stand out on the red and I wrote captions underneath, which is a convention of music magazines.
The pictures feature Jaceon and Alex, the drummer of Struck By Lighting, as both of these are the main features of the issue. I edited and cropped the images before placing them on the page.

I also used the buzz word technique again in the top right corner of the page, advertising a competition to win Jaceon merchandise later in the magazine which gives them an extra reason to read it.

Monday 26 January 2009

Improved Front Cover

I have made some improvements to my cover. I realised that on most magazine covers, the bar code and price are positioned in the bottom right corner so I have adjusted my cover to match this convention. This created more free space around the 'free posters inside' plug so I added a small image underneath to represent one of these free posters. The female model is holding a guitar in the picture which is iconic of the rock music genre. I also added the issue number and month of release under the masthead in a black font to match the colour scheme.