Monday 30 March 2009

Double page spread

My double page spread features new band Struck By Lightning. I kept the same colour scheme of red, black and white to keep continuity and also because the colours reflect the rock genre and Struck By Lightning are a rock band.

When I looked at existing double page spreads, I found that the main image was usually positioned on the left hand side with the beginning of the interview to the right. I used these conventions for my page.

The image features the drummer of Struck By Lightning, Alex Smith. His clothes match the colour scheme and in the main image, he looks directly at the reader to engage their attention. Originally, I was only going to use one image but I added the second in the top right corner because I felt that the double page looked a bit plain and empty with only one.

I added to lighting bolt using an autoshape and coloured it black with red edges again to match the colour scheme. It points to the interview, linking it with the title text, 'Have you been Struck By Lightning!?' The font I used for this was 'SF Zimmerman' which I thought was an effective font to use for the page. It looks like hand writing which connects with the school theme, as the band are all of school age. The font is coloured red and black to match the colour scheme.

I added shapes to the background to create the black and red lines which are present to border the page. I also put borders around both of the images to frame them.

In the interview itself, I used a drop cap at the beginning of the text, as I found that these are commonly used in magazine interviews. The interview is a two part conversation between the interviewer, Impact, and the band's drummer, Alex. The speakers name is in bold lettering at the beginning of their speech to make it easy to see who is talking. At the end of the interview, I tried to intrigue the audience to turn over and read the rest of the interview by having Impact ask Alex to reveal secrets about the other band members, as this would interest fans of the band.

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