Monday 30 March 2009

Improved college cover - preliminary task

After realising many faults with my original college magazine cover, I decided to totally re-design it. My original efforts left me with a cover that looked more like a poster and I wasn't happy with it at all. Also, the image did not really appeal to the audience and it didn't get across the right sort of a message. The new image, which I took myself, features the male model Jason Cross, looking directly at the camera to intrigue the audience. He looks friendly and kind which is the right sort of message to be given by the college. Using Adobe Photoshop, I altered the colours of the image to black and white, which connotes realism. Due to these colours, the orange text stands out extremely well. The masthead, 'Wyke News', is the largest piece of text on the page and the headline, 'Exam stress?', is the second largest piece of text. This is conventional of magazines. I also included the bar code in the bottom left corner and the price inside a yellow star shape in the top right. The bright colour of the shape causes the price to stand out and attract audience attention, especially since the only other colour used is orange.

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