Tuesday 13 January 2009

Front Cover!

I have designed the front cover for my magazine using Microsoft Publisher. I used a red, black and white colour scheme as I think these colours reflect the rock music genre. I think having a white background is quite effective because it makes the image and text stand out and overall, makes the cover look smart and organised.

The image features a male model, Jason Cross. His body language and the fact that he is not making eye contact with the audience cause him to appear moody and mysterious. He is dressed casually in jeans, a jumper and hat which reflect the modern day style of the target audience. I cropped the image and altered the colour of the background before placing it onto the cover.

The masthead is the largest piece of text on the page, which is a convention shared by most magazines. It is written all in capital block lettering. I have done the same with the headline 'Jaceon' except smaller and in a different font. The plug for Struck By Lightning is also done like this but again in a different and smaller font than the headline. The other plug for the free posters is written in black to give this text some variation to the rest of the cover. The word 'free' is a buzz word and is written in capitals so that it is instantly noticed by the audience. I chose the fonts that I did because they are all easy to read.

I have also included the bar code and price in the top right corner of the page as this is another convention of magazines. In the bottom left corner I added a logo for the magazine. The colours of the diamond match the colour scheme of the cover and the font of the text 'E.E.S' is again different to the other fonts used across the cover and coloured black to fit the colour scheme.

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